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Our InterAct at Home Actors

A few details written by our professional actors, to help you get to know the reader for your session

Actors are listed in alphabetical order

Julia Brodie

Since the pandemic I now live on my farm and am interested in everything that happens around me. My main interests are my eight grand children, the arts, ballet, theatre and music. I love trout fishing and being on the river

Neville Cann

I am originally from north Lancashire. I have lived in London, Worcester, Nottingham, France and Hungary but now live in Birmingham.

I prefer reading novels, particularly thrillers. My favourite music is Classical, though I also enjoy Hungarian gipsy music and Hungarian folk music.

I play the cello and speak Hungarian. In my spare time I play the cello in the Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra

Kirsty Cox

I have been working for InterAct for over 15 years. I was brought up in Edinburgh and studied in Glasgow before making the move south to London where I began reading in several hospitals for InterAct Stroke Support. Then nearly 10 years ago I moved to Bristol, taking InterAct with me. When I'm not reading, I am usually to be found performing on stage or recording audiobooks and in my non-work time I enjoy life in the outdoors - walking, canoeing, camping and wildlife spotting! 

Emma D'Inverno

I’m a native Scot, but with Italian and Irish Ancestry, I’m considered a bit of a Minestrone! The Italian name D’Inverno simply means “Winter”. Having worked professionally as a child actor, I moved to London to study drama many moons ago. I now live in Windsor and have been involved with Interact since it first started 21 years ago, and am their Training Coordinator. Having had an Italian Nonna who was a wonderful cook, my hobbies naturally prioritise cooking. I also enjoy cycling, walking in Bonnie Scotland, renovating old properties, growing herbs and vegetables and most recently, wild swimming in Loch Tay. Oh, and I love dogs. When I’m not on stage or making vocal recordings, I’m involved with developing new drama scripts.

Fayon Dixon

Cat-stroking, bike-riding, yoga-worshipping, apple-pie-munching, disco-dancing, radio-broadcasting, spa-chilling, guerrilla-gardening, Coventry-loving, London-living friend of InterAct for over 18 years! 

Mary Drake

I’m based in London and Sussex, and love discovering new places and being in green spaces.

Huge fan of Shakespeare, sleep, DIY and repurposing - including using my recently acquired upholstery skills - and champagne. Have a bass guitar waiting to be played... I live with a big rescue bunny called Beatrice, a real character who loves eating cardboard!

Su Elliot

I’m a Geordie and moved to London when I attended Drama School and settled in Battersea years ago. I like reading (novels and poetry particularly) and movies; singing (particularly hymns); going out with friends to pubs and restaurants; watching sport – especially cricket and horse racing and I have a tiny share in a racehorse (about an 18th of a fetlock I imagine!) I love going to classical and jazz concerts and opera. I work for an Older People’s Forum in Wandsworth – lots of meetings which I like! And I love travelling round Britain visiting friends.

Rachel Fenwick

I'm based in London and South Wales having grown up in both places. I love stories and before becoming an actor was a bookseller and community library assistant. Guilty pleasures include binge watching dystopian sci-fi, consuming volumes of pasta, textile crafts and exploring the local area on foot (wherever that might be at any given time). Every cat or dog that I walk past will get a customary 'hello', naturally.

Laura FitzPatrick

I was brought up in the countryside in Leicestershire and Dorset and studied in Durham. Now I live in London and since I am in a city I am taking an interest in gardening at last. So far, I am losing to the slugs and squirrels in my efforts to dig for victory, but I do have a bumper crop of frogs. I enjoy all kinds of food, especially anything I haven't cooked myself. And i have always loved reading be it stories, poetry or plays. 

Ross Foley

I am currently living in Stratford (East London, unfortunately not sunny Shakespeare's Stratford) and I was born in Newport and bred in Cardiff, South Wales. I love cinema, theatre, whisky and wine - but not strictly in that order. I love to play the guitar and I am a recent convert to the world of poetry. From Dylan Thomas to Pam Ayres, Tennyson to Betjeman, I've realised in exploring poetry through InterAct-at-Home that poetry can be simultaneously beautiful and guffaw-inducing. I adore dogs and cats, and I think all food should be spicy.

Catherine Gillard

​I’ve been based in Scotland for 30 years, but was born in London and grew up in Sydney. I’ve lived in Glasgow for four years now, before that I lived in Edinburgh for a long time. I really love travelling for work and pleasure, seeing new places and meeting different people. I enjoy the cinema, theatre, galleries and eating out. At home, I love to cook, and lockdown has led to baking as well. I also enjoy reading and watching World drama and crime on television. I have a daughter at University, and live with my husband and our black cat, Angelo.

Conor Hinds

I am from Belfast and studied in London and Glasgow- where I now live. I love adventuring through forest parks and exploring the ruins of an ancient castle or abbey- I'm really a big kid or dog at heart! When it comes to food, I don't think you can beat an ice cream sundae with warm chocolate brownie pieces. I played the cello in quartets and orchestras- getting to tour to lots of exciting places. As a child I learnt to ride a unicycle and would often go to the shops this way! 

Philip Jennings

I have lived in Birmingham since I was a student in the 1980s, but am originally from the Black Country, and between the ages of eight and eighteen lived in Devon. I am married to Alison and have four grown-up children. For many years I was a social worker, before running away to drama school in my forties. I enjoy cycling and walking, particularly if the route passes by a pub. I am also quite keen on music festivals, especially folky ones. I have owned a guitar for twenty years and intend one day to learn how to play it.

Deb Jones

I live between places – family in the black mountains of south wales, work in Glasgow and hut living on the west coast of Scotland.  I’m a writer/performer currently making experimental work with sound – I love to experiment with new creative ideas. I spend a lot of time with music, walking, swimming and reading.  Spontaneous dancing, singing and cooking with chillies make me extremely happy.  My true companion was my collie cross Nancy and I hope to get another dog as soon as I can.  And travel, I love to travel!

Iwona Marciniak

Originally from Poland, I am quite new to the InterAct family. Being multilingual I am more happy to read in Polish, English and German. I enjoy reading everything but I have a burning passion for crime and real stories. In my spare time I love to play piano and petting animals at the local city farm.

Juliet Prew

I have the good fortune to live in Bloomsbury in London which feels quiet and leafy considering it’s so central. I live with my 15 year old son. I love storytelling, a good film and reading aloud in particular. I enjoy yoga and like am a Thai massage practitioner. I love nature and am very happy in sunshine, amongst trees, birdsong and grass, by the sea or near water

David Prince

I have lived and worked in London, Edinburgh and Merseyside – but currently I’m back where I started (almost) in Cardiff, not too far from Barry, where I was born. The family holidays of my boyhood without exception were an escape from Barry to my mother’s home country – Belgium.  A fact which possibly accounts for my taste in beer (Westmalle); food (mussels in white wine sauce); and music (DjangoReinhardt).
My favourite activity?  Cycle-touring: setting off on a bike loaded up with camping gear, heading for Scotland – or Spain – or even (of course) – Belgium!

Ziona Smith

I am originally from West Yorkshire but now live in Birmingham. During the last year I have enjoyed finding hidden parks and outdoor spaces to explore with my two children. I am fascinated by old buildings, especially ones that used to be cinemas or theatres and wish I could travel back in time to see them in their ‘heyday’, as I think I was born in the wrong era!  Having said that, I do have a passion for the music from MY youth (1980s), and love finding out what music other people enjoy and what memories it evokes

Ben Standish

Hello! I’m a language-lover turned actor and singer who now calls Glasgow my home. I started life as a radio presenter and ended up moving to Scotland via France, Nottingham, and China. When I’m not working on a show, you'll find me in the Highlands, cycling about, tackling big hills and taking dips (very quick ones) in the Lochs. I’m always up for a good chat about interesting people, places, music and films. 

Martin Whatley

I'm originally from Wiltshire but have lived in Bristol for over 30 years. Acting was my hobby until it became my career, and I enjoy gardening, walks both locally and in the country, baking cakes and reading a variety of literature. What I grow in the garden sometimes ends up as a cake ingredient! Cats are my favourite pets though I don't have my own

Barbara Wilshire

I was brought up in Cheshire and moved to London in my early twenties after training at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. I’m married to Paul, also an actor and we have two sons in their early thirties. I love gardening and cooking, and am a self-taught mosaicist, and over lockdown I have had plenty of time to concentrate on new work. I also taught myself how to needle-felt, a technique used to sculpt wool with a barbed needle! I produced lots of little animals for small family members for Christmas. I also enjoy skiing, cycling, walking and singing

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