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InterAct at Home

in the comfort of your home

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Improve your language skills

Stimulate your memory

Use your imagination

InterAct Stroke Support is proud to introduce InterAct at Home: a reading service delivered to stroke survivors online or over the phone

Many stroke survivors can feel lonely and isolated after they have been discharged from hospital. InterAct at Home aims to remind stroke survivors that they are not alone, delivering not just a reading service but invaluable company. Via regular virtual reading sessions, stroke survivors and readers develop a rapport that can become a crucial lifeline in post-stroke rehabilitation. Stroke survivors can continue to build vital skills, in the comfort of their own home. 

All you need to know


A stroke is a life-changing experience. At InterAct at Home, we offer a range of actors who have been trained to understand the after-effects of stroke and provide support. We offer a sensitive, nuanced reading service unique to each individual stroke survivor


Your chosen actor will call at your agreed time by your choice of either phone or video-call. The actor will spend up to 30 minutes with you (or up to 60 minutes if you are part of a group booking). They will read a variety of material to you, a mix of short stories and poems, and engage with you throughout the session


The service is free of charge.

*If you would like more than 1 session a week we can arrange this for a modest charge

Simply email to arrange extra sessions.

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"The service you all provide is an absolute lifeline for my mother. I thank you for giving your precious time and kindness"

Ready to book?

InterAct Stroke Support , Unit 303.3, Almond Studios, The Biscuit Factory, 100 Drummond Rd, London SE16 4DG

Tel: 0203 886 1028 

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