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InterAct Isolation Reading - Juliet Prew - 'My Canary'

Updated: May 3, 2020

Juliet Prew reads 'My Canary' for today's isolation reading. We would love to be wherever she is, with that blue sky behind her!

Since our hospital work had to be put on hold, InterAct's actors have been working hard to record themselves reading their favourite stories and poems to bring our service to you from isolation.

We will be sharing a video reading every other day, so keep an eye out for the next one on Friday. You can also take a look at many other readings from a huge range of actors (including Helena Bonham Carter and Rula Lenska) on our blog.

See you all soon.

InterAct Stroke Support , 8 Holyrood Street, London, SE1 2EL

Tel: 0203 886 1028 

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