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There are countless ways of supporting InterAct. From sponsored cycles to charity concerts, short story donations to poetry workshops, legacy giving to online shopping.

We are grateful to everyone who gives their time and energy to sponsor InterAct's work!

Ways to Support

Donate Online

Why not donate today through our website using either a credit card or PayPal?

Donate via Cheque

Post a cheque to us today and support our work. Please make cheques payable to 'InterAct Stroke Support'. Our office address can be found on our contact page

Legacy Donation

UK charities were left £2.85 billion from gifts in wills last year. Why not think about your legacy and leave a gift to InterAct in your will? To find out more, call or email us today

Arrange a sponsored event

Why not organise a fundraising event on behalf of InterAct?


Whether it be a sponsored run, coffee morning, informal concert or gala dinner we'd love to hear from you

Donate while you shop

InterAct is a featured charity on


InterAct is also a Co op Local Cause in Brighton for 2018-19, with 1% of money spent in local stores being donated to charitable causes which includes our work in the Royal Sussex Hospital

By choosing InterAct Stroke Support as your selected charity when buying with any of the above websites, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to our cause.

Remember to GiftAid your donation. Click here for more information

InterAct Stroke Support is one of the UK's key charities dedicated to those who have survived stroke

Any money we raise goes to

Improving stroke survivors' communication skills



Improving stroke survivors' memory skills


Alleviating stroke survivors' depression post-stroke

That being said, the demand for InterAct's service and its benefits currently far outweighs our financial capacity to deliver

We raise £170,000 per year to maintain our work, but to continue to develop and expand we rely on your engagement, involvement and generosity

Please donate today and help us support the recovery of thousands of stroke survivors across the United Kingdom

2,876 Stroke Survivors in the UK



20 Hospitals

29 Stroke Clubs

399 remote sessions

In 2023 we read to

Thanks to your continued support, the donations we receive from charitable trusts, foundations and all of our generous donors, we are able to grow and thrive. 

Our thanks goes to the City Bridge Trust, the Masonic Charitable Foundation, Co-op Local Causes and to so many other trusts and organisations for their continued help and support. 

InterAct Stroke Support , Unit 303.3, Almond Studios, The Biscuit Factory, 100 Drummond Rd, London SE16 4DG

Tel: 0203 886 1028 

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