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Hear what people have to say about their experience with InterAct

"It’s been like a lifeline. A breath of fresh air when I was feeling so low"


- Patient; Chelsea & Westminster Hospital


"I hope that in due course the benefits of the InterAct service become recognised as being an essential component of a stroke service”


- Tony Rudd; National Clinical Director of Stroke for NHS England and NHS Improvement.

"It's all medical here and you bring out the creative aspect…I like the holistic approach"


- Doctor; Whittington Hospital

"It keeps your intelligence alive"


- Patient; Kings Hospital

"‘An excellent service for our patients. It has become as essential as the other therapy services that we offer"


- Nurse; National Hospital

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"Three years ago I found myself recovering from an acute stroke and feeling extremely sorry for myself.

Then along came the wonderful actors of your service who patiently read books and manuscripts to me. Although still mildly aphasic, I can now read again, thanks to their caring inspiration during my long stay in the ward"


- Email from Hospital Patient

"I was expecting an enema and you gave me a very enjoyable twenty minutes"


- Patient; Chelsea & Westminster Hospital

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"I think what you're doing is excellent within difficult situations, and you bring light into darkness and some reality into hospital life which is unreal. And you do reach the imaginative, emotional side of people who are hospitalised, and remove for a little moment the crushing un-reality of it all.”


- Anthony, patient at Edgware Hospital

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"I have never come across a charity like yours. To have a visit several times a week from somebody who is a professional actor and is able to devote at least half an hour a session to me is mind boggling!  You’re so efficient, you keep excellent notes, I really cannot fault you!’   


- Dr Bob Cox read to at West Middlesex Hospital

"Having a stroke is so lonely. It is such a shock, you need someone to keep your spirits up. Thank God for you and for the ministry of your stories. They keep me focused and keep my feet on the right path”    

- Patient; National Hospital

"I’ll remember this story for the rest of my life. You’ve really inspired me"


- Patient; Chelsea & Westminster Hospital

"The members look forward to InterAct visits which make a tremendous difference to them, provoking laughter, interest and sometimes a few tears"


- Michael Sobell Stroke Club


"An innovative and stimulating addition to our stroke unit."


- Nurse; Whittington Hospital

InterAct Stroke Support , 8 Holyrood Street, London, SE1 2EL

Tel: 0203 886 1028 

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